From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using draw modes

Using draw modes

- [Instructor] When you create new things in Illustrator, by default, they are added on top of older things. Let's just go ahead and draw a couple of things to test that out. Tap L on your keyboard and choose a color for the first thing you'd like to draw. It doesn't really matter, because we will delete it in a moment, but just so you can see with something you are happy with. Draw a shape such as an ellipse like so, and then draw another one that clearly goes over the top of the other. And then change the fill color of that one using whichever method you choose to do. So again, the color doesn't really matter, because in a second we'll delete these. You can see that the new object there has been created on top of the first object, and that is the default mode. But there are two other modes that we can explore. Let's go ahead and select those two shapes, and just get rid of them because we have no further use for them and…
