From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using brushes

Using brushes

- [Instructor] Illustrator brushes are a way to add more dramatic and interesting appearances to your paths, rather than the flat, uniformness that they have by default. In this movie, we are going to explore the five different categories of Illustrator brushes, so we'll need the Brushes panel open. If you're not seeing that in your own layout, go to the Window menu, and you'll find it in there. Now, I've populated this document's Brush panel with the brushes that we're going to be using here, and there are some, such as Basic, that would appear in any panel, it's one you can't actually delete. And also, it's worth mentioning while we're here that this is one of the panels, like Swatches and Symbols, that has a loader. It's where you can bring in more of its type. So if you want more brushes, you would go to the loader down here, I know it says Brush Libraries Menu there, but loader is the more generic term. If you…
