From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using blends

Using blends

- [Instructor] Blends in Illustrator are so exciting. I love them and hopefully by the end of this movie you will share my enthusiasm for them as well. We're going to start off with the Blend tool. So tap W on your keyboard. That gets us the Blend tool. And we'll make a way over to the red square on the left of this art board and click on that. Then click on the orange square. You can see that it's blending the colors between these two shapes. Now click on the yellow square and make your way across, clicking on each square in turn, and you can see we've got a lovely soft blend between those shapes. Well that's moderately exciting but what's really exciting is that we can move those objects around. Tap A to get your Direct Selection tool. It's probably a good idea just to click away just for a moment and then click on one of the squares and drag it somewhere else. Move to the next one. You'll see they highlight as you…
