From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using area type

Using area type

- [Guide] If you've ever put type into an InDesign document, then you're going to find some familiarity here when we're dealing with Area Type in Illustrator, but, of course, there are bound to be differences. Let's tap T on our keyboard to get the Type tool and move out onto the back cover of this piece of artwork. And down towards the bottom here, I'm going to click and drag to create a frame like so. There we go. I'm then going to hit Escape, which takes me out to the Selection tool, and I'm just going to zoom in on this type. I'm using my keyboard there, Command +, to zoom in a couple of times like so. Now, of course, this type is very difficult to see against this background, so we have two choices. We can change the color of the type, or we can change the box in which it sits. Well, just for the moment, we are going to do the former and change the color of the type. Unlike InDesign, when the text box here is…
