From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Type on a path

Type on a path

- [Instructor] Adding type along a path is another way to add a dynamic look to text in your Illustrator documents. Let's go ahead and draw a quite simple path around this image here. What we're going to do is we are going to go ahead and get the Curvature Pen Tool, okay? So that lives in this two up toolbox just to the right of the Pen Tool. And we're going to come down to pretty much in line with the beads just here, and we're going to simply click there. Move up to just above and between the ears of that mask. And then just go down to the kind of equivalent point on the other side of the beads. Something like that. So you're a similar distance away. It doesn't matter if it's not exact for the purposes of this, to be perfectly honest. So don't worry if it looks any different to mine, if it's got a different feel or any of those things, not a thing to worry about. Everything will look exactly the same as mine in a moment.…
