From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Transparency and blending modes

Transparency and blending modes

- [Instructor] An understanding of transparency and blend modes is key to your further development in Illustrator and in terms of drawing, at least, this is where we do start to depart from just the essentials in Illustrator to set you on the route for further learning. Now, we could run an entire course on blend modes and transparency, or opacity. They're just the opposite sides of the same coin, but here, we are just going to investigate the three that you'll probably use most often. So, I have three different shapes here on top of this car graphic and each one is slightly different. The one on the top is black to white, but it's quite steep in that, I mean, the transition between the two is very, very close. Then, there is a gray to white gradient on this one. I think it's a radial, is definitely, I'll just have a look over here, a radial gradient, and then, down at the bottom, another black to white gradient, but a lot…
