From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Transforming patterns

Transforming patterns

- [Instructor] If you've created your own pattern for a project, then you might well have it at exactly the size you need it. But quite often, and especially when you are using patterns from other places, such as the swatches, if I go to the loader, just here, you will see that there is a separate category for patterns and in there there are several subcategories as well. So it's rare that they're going to be exactly the right size. So, how do we transform them? Well, there actually is a weird shortcut to do this but I'm not going to share it with you because it doesn't work on most other keyboards outside of British English and American English. And even then it can be very, very tricky. So the best way to do it is to actually use the scale tool itself. So, tap S on your keyboard for the scale tool and then hit return to access the dialogue. And what you need to do here is you need to switch to transform patterns.…
