From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Transform Each

Transform Each

- The bees in this illustration are a little bit too regimented as they leave the hive for my liking. So we need to apply some transformations, to these, to vary them a little bit. So we're going to move them around, we're going to resize them, we're going to rotate them around, as well. And I bet you are thinking this is going to take ages, but you know, perhaps not. What we can do, is we can select all of the bees there, like so, and then we can use the transform each command. So if we go to the object menu, you can find transform, and in that sub menu, transform each. So this dialogue will appear, and then what we can do is, if we want to do everything uniformly, so let's just deal with rotation, first of all, and by the way, there's a small grid here, which determines at what point on the objects they're going to rotate around. We're going to just leave that, as it is, at the center, at the…
