From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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The Touch Type tool

The Touch Type tool

- This is the cover of a children's book and I'd like to make the type here for the title a bit more interesting. I'm just going to go ahead and zoom in on that so we have a better view of it overall and just pan that into view. Now, when I looked with you at the character options if you're watching this sequentially, in the first movie in this chapter, we saw things like character rotation and scaling and baseline shifting and kerning and all of those things. Now, it would take us a little while to set this up to be as interesting as I'd like it to be using that alone. So, how can I do it? Well, the answer is, the touch type tool. It does sound like it's going to teach you a new skill but that's not actually how it works. So, to access it, we hold down Shift and tap T. It lives with the type tools. It tells you briefly when you launch it to click on a character to begin working. Now, you notice that as I click on…
