From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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The Shape Builder

The Shape Builder

- [Instructor] The Shape Builder tool gives us a very interactive way to draw using construction methods. What we have here, as I'm sure you've guessed already, is an owl constructed from just simple shapes inside of Illustrator, and what we're going to do is build this out. We'll start out with the ear on the left-hand side here, so we need to access the tool. Shift+M get us the Shape Builder and then we need a selection. So let's select everything here, Command+A, because there's just a single art board in this document, so that's great. Let's go ahead then and start in the ear and click and drag through and you can see that Illustrator identifies segments for it as it draws. We'll go ahead and continue into the next ear, like so. Then let's go ahead and make our way over to the sides here because we need to subtract these ellipses. This is where we hold down the Alt or Option key to click and you'll see they're removed…
