From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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The Pencil tool

The Pencil tool

- [Instructor] The pencil tool allows us to draw free form paths. Now, just before we actually get into doing that it's worth mentioning that if this is the industry you want to start working in and if you want to start drawing things free form, a mouse or track pad is probably not the way to go. A drawing tablet such as the ones manufactured by Wacom, or Xencelabs is a sensible thing to do because it's very very difficult to draw with your hand in that sort of clawed position and trust me, you will pay for it later on. Anyway, with that short advisory out of the way let's go ahead and look at the tool. Tap 'N' on your keyboard, that gives you the pencil tool. And what we're going to do here, first of all, is go to the toolbox and double click on it because this is where we can get our options and you'll find that several tools in Illustrator have this particular option where you can double-click and find out more about…
