From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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The Color Guide panel

The Color Guide panel

- [Instructor] Choosing colors that work well together can be quite the challenge, but you'll be pleased to know, I'm sure, that Illustrator has something that can help you with making such choices. In the illustration here I have a couple of different colors that aren't really working with this design, such as this green, and I want to change that and also the color of the waves, but I want them to be more harmonious with the orange. So, what I'm going to do is zoom right in so it's easy for me to select, and select the orange like so. So, now that I have that, I'll just zoom out so we can see the whole artboard, I'm going to go here to the Color Guide panel. Now, I'm going to click on this base color swatch, and then I'm going to go ahead and look through the color harmonies here. So, there are plenty of different harmonic rules to choose from. I think for what I want I might go with something like Complementary 2,…
