From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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The Blob Brush

The Blob Brush

- Let's go ahead and select the blob brush here in Illustrator. Hold down Shift and tap B on your keyboard to select the brush. It lives in the toolbox nested with the paintbrush tool. Now, unlike the paintbrush and the pencil that we saw before it, the blob brush doesn't paint strokes, it paints fills. Double tap on the icon in the toolbox to access its options. And it's got a few things in here. So anything new, keep that selected. Let's turn that on to start off with. Merge Only with Selection is an option that we'll talk about as we go along in a second. Fidelity is what it is. Okay, here as it was with the pencil, so nearer to what you draw more optimized, so it's simple there. Then we've got some options for size, angle and roundness, as we've seen these options before, of course. And we can attach pressure options to them or have them randomized here in the dropdown. I think I'll set mine to Pressure…
