From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Stroke gradients

Stroke gradients

- [Speaker] We can also apply gradients to strokes. So let's go ahead and see how that looks by selecting this stroke just here in the file that we are working on. What we need to do before we try and apply a gradient to it is to make sure that the stroke is in front. So just tap X on your keyboard to bring that hollow square to the front. Now it's quite true that you can actually go ahead and choose something from one of the swatches like here in the appearance panel. The only thing is, is that won't be reflected in the gradient panel which is where we do need that to work. Although working around it is not difficult at all. Let's apply a gradient to this stroke by hitting the period key on our keyboard. Now, the last gradient I used was actually the gradient I want. But it is more likely that you will end up with something like one of the default gradients here which aren't present in this file. But that's of no…
