From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Stroke attributes

Stroke attributes

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the stroke options. I'm going to open the Stroke panel. If you are not seeing it here, then go ahead and open it from the window menu. And I'm also going to go to the flyout here and choose show options, which is another way that you can expand fully a panel. Remembering of course, that we have this icon here which allows us to cycle through those as well just to the left of the word identifying the panel. Okay, so just to make things easier here and hopefully for those of you who have a similar mind to mine to explain what's going on with this stroke I've saved a view here in Illustrator for this file. If you go to the View menu and come all the way down to the bottom, you should see an option there called Stroke Dimensions. And this by the way, just as a tangent is something you can do. If you want to set a particular view, you can actually save a view using the new View command.…
