From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Spot colors

Spot colors

- [Instructor] You've probably heard of spot colors. Now, typically they are associated with the world of print, but not always and what they are, is they're a pre-mixed color or ink. Now, typically if I just go to the swatches panel here and open that up and come down to the loader, you can see in color books, there are various different libraries in here. Now, it's quite possible that by the time you get to watch this, the Pantone will have disappeared because support for that has vanished from Adobe products because they were always licensed by Adobe in the first place but Pantone have decided they want to have their own app for color. So that may be one place where you pick the colors from but to be perfectly honest, you can turn any swatch into a spot color just as long as you talk to your printer about the colors that they are actually going to use on the job. Let's go ahead and mix a color just here. So I've gone…
