From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Selecting by attributes

Selecting by attributes

- [Instructor] Illustrator gives us a number of options for making selections based on different attributes. Let's go ahead and try some of those out. I'm going to select one of these green squares on the art board that we have here. And I'm going to go up to the control strip to this icon here, select similar objects. Now if I just click that to start off with, it's collected everything there that has a green fill. But how does it know that? Well, if you look to the disclosure triangle just to the right of that icon, you can see here that it's set for fill color. But what about if I change that to stroke color, and then click the button again? So let's just deselect all of those and then try again. You can see now, we get a whole lot more because all of those things have the same stroke color. Let's go again with something else from that list, let's choose the same fill and stroke color. Now I do think that this one is…
