From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Saving selections

Saving selections

- [Instructor] On occasion, you're going to come across some artwork in which making selections is tricky. Now, in the file that we are using here, to be perfectly honest, we could select, if I wanted the range of all of the top of these letters, we could select one of those, and if you watched the previous movie you'll probably know where I'm going with this. We could go to Select, Same and choose Fill Color to select the tops there quite easily. And that's quite true, but often you'll find things that aren't that easy. If they have a gradient inside sometimes, or different kinds of gradients, a whole bunch of reasons why making a selection might be tricky. And once you've done something like that, you really, really don't want to do it again. So for example, if I change the color of these and then at a later point somebody said, "No, we need to change that color," then of course we're stuck, really, and we have to…
