From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Recoloring artwork

Recoloring artwork

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'm assembling a new file, based on some content from other files I've used in the past. But of course, the colors don't quite go together, and that's something I'd like to fix, and to do that, I'm going to use Recolor Artwork. Let's go ahead and click on the clouds at the back, and we can find Recolor in at least two places in front of us. We have it, first of all, in the Properties panel down here, but we also have the icon here for Recolor Artwork in the control strip. So let's click that. That gives us the newer version of Recolor Artwork to start with, which we'll use shortly. For now, let's go down to Advanced Options at the bottom, which gives us this much more involved dialogue, just here. Now, we could fill a short course with working on all of the different elements of this, so we're just going to skip to the good stuff. We're not going to worry about recoloring here using any…
