From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Radial gradients

Radial gradients

- [Instructor] Now that you understand how linear gradients work, we can take that up a level and have a look at radial gradients. I'm going to select one of these ellipses inside of this file, and I think I'll zoom in on that for your viewing comfort. And then checking in the toolbox the fill is in front, I'm going to create a gradient the quickest way I know how, by hitting the period key on my keyboard. Now we have a linear gradient there, so we need to convert it. And that's done in the gradient panel on this center button. From the three gradient types on the top, we'll click for radial gradient. And you'll notice that the color on the left of the ramp becomes the color at the center of the radial gradient. And on the right hand side, everything going over to the right moves further out on the gradient. So if I introduced another color at any point, you can see there how that would change. I'm just going to drag that…
