From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Asset export

Asset export

- Not so many years ago, it used to be a real headache to export a range of icons such as these at different scale factors because you could pretty much write off the rest of your afternoon in doing it. Now, not with just five, of course, I'm talking about a larger number, like about 40 or 50, but it would still take quite some time. Now, these are part of a set of icons I designed for a podcast media controller. So, a thing like a stream deck with lights all over it and icons that made it nice and easy for people operating the deck to press for different sound effects. So, we're going to export these at a range of different sizes using Asset Export. The Asset Export panel can be found in the Essentials classic panel layout down towards the bottom here. And looks like this. It's a small square with an arrow projecting from it. If we click that, we can see the panel ready to go for a set of different form factors.…
