From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Other essential tools

Other essential tools

- [Instructor] When you select an object in Illustrator, as I'm doing now with this grouped object here, the bounding box around the side does give us some options for some fairly basic transforms. If you're not seeing that box, by the way, go to the View menu, and you'll find Show Bounding Box down in this region here. If it's already there, obviously, it will say Hide. So for example, if I wanted to change the horizontal scale of this, then I could drag out that handle there, like so, I'll just undo that. If I wanted to do it from the center, I could hold down the Alt or Option key and drag outwards, like so. And of course, proportionally, I could go for one of the corner handles, but hold down Shift as I'm making that transformation. And just one more thing, finally, you may have noticed if you hover outside of the corners, you can affect some rotation there quite easily. But they involve, quite often, other keys,…
