From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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- [Tony] Sadly, that's it for now. Our time together in this course is now done and I really hope you've enjoyed everything and learned loads. Please be sure to examine in detail all the files I prepared for you. They will help you to reinforce what you've learned and also give you closers where to head next in your development. If you want to do more learning with me, and of course I hope you do, I have plenty more courses on the library for you to explore including some specialist Illustrator stuff such as creating Illustrator infographics, drawing simplified maps in Illustrator, making fonts with Fontself, which you can also do in Illustrator. And beyond that, some of my most popular courses are on designing a presentation and the introduction to graphic design courses. So do check those out. Please follow me on LinkedIn, of course, and if you want to check out some of my YouTube content, you'll find that at…
