From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Mask or crop images

Mask or crop images

- [Instructor] You may well recognize the two leaves here, if you watched the movie on creating patterns earlier because these are the same two leaves. And here they are placed as a PSD, and what we're going to do is turn them into vector objects. Now you don't need to do anything to this file, you don't need to embed it. You can, but you don't need to. You can work with a PSD and in fact, you can maintain a live link between a tracing and a PSD should you need to do so. Although once you expand it, that live link is over. So we have this file here ready to go. And in the control strip at the top we can see the button for image trace. And just to the right of that, a small disclosure triangle. I'm going to click on that, and then I'm going to choose a preset. Now I don't want a high fidelity photo, or indeed a low fidelity photo, I want something that's got some of these fab colors in it. And I think 16 colors is going to…
