From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Making guides from objects

Making guides from objects

- [Instructor] There have been lots of times where I've needed to create custom guides, but a great example I think to share with you is what I have in front of us right now. And that's just a bunch of lines here on this artboard. And this is the kind of grid I use when I'm working with icon creation because it gives me all of the proportions I could possibly need on here. And I've seen more complex ones, but this one works for me. So to turn this into guides, what I do typically is I create a new layer for my guides like so, and I'm just going to use the proxy region here because these are currently on layer one. And then I'll bring that up like so, which takes the artwork with it onto the new guides layer. And then I turn this artwork into guides. Now you can do that via the shortcut Command + 5, that would be Control + 5 on Windows. Or you can go to the view menu, come down to guides and choose make guides from there.…
