From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Making brushes

Making brushes

- Let's have a little bit of fun now creating a couple of brushes in Illustrator. We'll make an art brush and a scatter brush. Select the artwork at the top left of this artboard, this collection of green shapes. Open up the brushes panel, and then drag the artwork into the panel. Now we're going to choose art brush from the choices here and hit okay. And then we get the options of how the brush is going to be made. Let's give it a name first, we'll call it green, because we are super imaginative, and width really only applies when you are using pressure sensitive devices. So how it's going to be applied to the stroke, we have three choices. Scaling proportionally will take the length of the stroke and then scale the artwork along that. So you can end up with super huge brushes, but sometimes you want that. Stretch to fit stroke length is the most common option used, in which the artwork is stretched along the entire…
