From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Live Paint

Live Paint

- [Instructor] Even though I have been using it for a very long time, Illustrator's live paint feature still blows me away. It is so useful not just in adding color to objects, but actually as a way of constructing artwork. Let's just get a quick idea here of what to look for in live paint objects. What we're going to do is select the two circles just here. And if you want to, you can go ahead and do what I'm doing here which is just zooming in on those slightly. I'm trying to make it easier of course for you to see if you're on a small screen, but it doesn't hurt for it to be nice and big like so. To turn this into a live paint object or more accurately a live paint group, I need to go to the object menu, down to live paint and make or choose the shortcut option command X. That would be Alt, Control X on Windows. You can identify a live paint group really quickly by looking at the corners of the bounding box there.…
