From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] There's a fab new feature in Illustrator 2023 that is great for the construction toolbox and it's called Intertwine. Let's have a look at how that works by selecting the two shapes that we have here. Then we'll go up to the Objects menu and down to Intertwine and choose Make. Do have a quick look though at this menu because it shows you the two other things you might need in here. Release if you want to just kind of expand the graphic back to its original state and Edit if for any reason you suddenly stop working and you need to go back in to make changes. So let's go ahead and drag around some intersections here with this lasso. And you can see that now I've got an intertwine going on so I'm going to skip one here and go to the next one, like so. Skip one here and go to the next one and skip one and to the next one, and so on like that. I think I just went a bit awry there so I'm just going to undo…
