From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Improving paths

Improving paths

- [Instructor] Optimized paths and curves are not just a nice to have thing. For some operations such as laser cutting and vinyl cutting, they're very, very important indeed, but it's always best to make your shapes as efficient as possible. Let's go ahead here and select the top part of this illustration. I'm going to zoom in and we're going to switch modes. Normally when we are drawing, we are in preview mode. In fact, if you look at the document tab, you'll see it says preview just there. We can switch out to outline mode using the shortcut command or control on Windows Y. So Command + Y, Control + Y. If you need to do that from the menu system, you'll find it here in the view menu, okay? And at the moment you'll see it says here GPU preview but it's the same thing. Okay, so now we can see the points on the path that makes up the top half of this whale. And to be perfectly honest, that's pretty good. It's fairly…
