From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Illustrator vs. Photoshop effects

Illustrator vs. Photoshop effects - Illustrator Tutorial

From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

Illustrator vs. Photoshop effects

- [Instructor] I'm working in this file in a similar file to the one from the previous movie, but I've added here a Roughen effect to the top most fill. You might just be able to see that on the top and bottom there and also the left and right edges, but you'll be able to see it everywhere in a second, because I'm going to show you how we can duplicate an effect to other attributes. So, here it's only in this top fill, but if we select that, hold down the alt or option key, we can drag it down, and create a copy for the other fill. So, I'm just going to do that to all three. So, we now have a nice, rough edge around our text. Okay, let's collapse all of these up and what we'll do next is we're going to apply this at the level of the whole object. So, we can select the type just there, for example, if we wanted to. When we are creating some effects and if we go down to the effects and just have a quick…
