From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Graphic styles

Graphic styles

- [Speaker] The demonstration that I'm going to give you here for graphic styles and appearances is to be honest, pretty simple. You should be able to actually follow along with it and do it fairly early on. It is also one of the first demonstrations I used to give of appearances. So it's dear to my heart. And every now and then, I resurface it. What I have here is I have a single stroke. I'm going to go into outline mode just for a second so you can see that everything here is just made of strokes. And then back in and I'll open up the appearance panel so you can see what's going on. So what I've got from the bottom up here is I've got a very wide gray stroke. Actually, let's just go ahead and zoom in. I'll zoom in for you just here so it's easier for you to see. There we go. And that's a bit too zoomy. (chuckles) But anyway, right. So I've got this 54 point stroke here in gray. I can turn that off and on again so…
