From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Global swatches

Global swatches

- [Narrator] Global swatches are another useful feature that Illustrator has when you are working with color. I'm just going to open the swatches panel here. Now we do have two global swatches in here and you can identify them by the small white corner chip that they have over the top of this swatch preview. We'll go back to what they are in just a second when we've made one. Let's first of all have a look at some of the colors inside of this design in front of us. You can see that when I click on any of the red shapes here that that swatch becomes highlighted in the color panel because it's in use from those swatches. If I click for the orange color swatch just here exactly the same and the green, but if I go to the yellow, that's what's called a local color. It just means it's been mixed, but no swatch has been made which of course you can do that entirely if you want to but sometimes it's not the smartest way to work…
