From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Freeform gradients

Freeform gradients

- Freeform Gradients only arrived in Illustrator a few years ago but they give us an enormous amount of creative possibility. Let's go ahead and select the big blue rectangle at the back of this file and apply a gradient to it. Now, the quickest way I know to do that is to hit the period key on your keyboard. The gradient panel should open at the same time. If it's not there, you'll find it in the window menu and we can change the type from whatever this is at the moment. We can see here it's linear but if I'd drawn a radial gradient last then it would possibly be radial. But we'll change this to free form. Now, sometimes it takes just a brief moment or two while some intelligence inside the application examines the file and chooses colors that it thinks will work. And you can see here from the four points that we have around here that it's chosen them from different sections of the image. It's pretty obvious where…
