From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Export files

Export files

- [Instructor] You can export your Illustrator artwork to a range of formats, and a few of them might actually surprise you. But let's go through the regular, day-to-day stuff as it were, first. If we go to the File menu, we will find the Export sub-menu down in the lower third of that. Export for Screens is quite common here. We can go ahead and go to our Artboard. You can see Artboard One here. I could rename that, for example, Believe. And then I can export that at a range of different scale factors, if I needed to do so. So if I maybe wanted to do this at half its size, I can do that and add a scale and so on. You'll see more of that in the next movie, in Asset Export. I can also determine the format, it's going to be put out there in the same way. I'll cancel out of that just for the moment, because we can also export the file as a completely different file format here. You can see, PNG is still in here, as are…
