From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Eraser drawing

Eraser drawing

- [Instructor] Apart from its obvious uses the eraser tool which we can access by holding down shift and tapping E on our keyboards can actually be used as a drawing tool on occasions. Let's go ahead and have some fun with the tool, but first explore the available option. So double click on the tool and you can see here that you have three options. You have angle, roundness, and size, at least two of which can be changed interactively. You can see the small widget here, the shape editor. If you want to make the roundness different to the 100% it is currently then you can drag that into the side. If you want to change the angle, you can simply drag that around like so, should you decide that you don't want either of those options or any options that you've set. You can always hit the reset button just there. And of course, next and not least we have size. You'll notice here that there are some options as well. If I go for size…
