From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Embedding images

Embedding images

- Having a linked file makes sense because also if the file changes in any way, then it will be updated in Illustrator, but it's not always the case. Sometimes you do actually need the image data in Illustrator and there are a few different reasons why that might be the case. One of which you'll discover in just a few moments or so. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to actually remove the clip group here. So I'm going to right click and choose "release clipping mask" and then going to select the mask object here. So first of all, select away, then go back find the path and delete it. So I'm back with the actual file. So if I need to embed it, the easiest place to do that from is the top of the properties panel or equally on the left hand side of the control strip. And in both cases you are accessing the links panel. So if you need to do it in a separate panel go ahead and go "Window" and then you'll find links just…
