From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Drawing with line tools

Drawing with line tools

- Ah, movie two of Shape School and very much like Top Gun, apart from, it's nothing like Top Gun because we're just drawing stuff and being happy. So, we are continuing to do that in this movie by exploring some of the line tools. We can delete the star that we currently have on the artboard if you're working along with this. And we can also close up this tray of tools. And then if you press the backslash key on your keyboard, that will get you the line segment tool. So, click and hold on that and we'll tear off another tray of tools. And the first three here are the ones we're going to be focusing on in this movie. So, the line tool, or the line segment tool is pretty straightforward. You click and drag to draw a line. It's actually more useful than you think, just in case you're wondering why that's there, but it is actually very, very useful. Same as the other shapes, really. If you want to hold down the option key…
