From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Dashes, dots, and arrowheads

Dashes, dots, and arrowheads

- [Instructor] Dashes and dotted lines inside of artwork generally indicate some kind of action. Think about a coupon that you may have seen in a newspaper or magazine. They have a dotted line around the side, or dashed line, to show you where to cut that out or to compel you to. And in an illustrations such as this, we can use dots and dashes to show motion. Let's go ahead and examine this. What I want to do is add a dashed line to this stroke on the outside and to do that, if we go to the "Stroke" panel, all we need to do at the outset is to check "Dashed Line" and there you go. We have a dash straight away. Now, before I go any further here, what I'm going to do is zoom in on the top left-hand corner so you can clearly see that, while we examine one option, before we move into changing our dashes, and that's over here with these two icons to the right of "Dashed Line." Now, the option that's engaged at the moment…
