From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Creating a pattern

Creating a pattern

- Making patterns in Illustrator these days is a lot more fun than it used to be, honestly. And what we're going to do is hopefully give you an idea of how easy it is these days. So I have a couple of pieces of artwork here for some leaves, which I thought would make a nice pattern. And I'm going to select them. And making the pattern is no more difficult at the outset than going to the Object menu, coming down to the Pattern sub-menu, and choosing Make. And you'll go into the Pattern-making workspace. Now it tells you that the pattern has been added to the Swatches panel. And actually, I don't know if you can see it. You might struggle if you're on a phone. But there it is just above where we are now. So I'm going to hit Okay. And then if I just close up the Swatches here, just to get a bit more room. And actually I'll move this over to the side there so it's easier for us to see. We can get to work on the pattern.…
