From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Compound shapes and paths

Compound shapes and paths

- [Instructor] Compound paths are used when you want to cut a hole in something. Think about the letter O that normally starts out when you're designing a font as two shapes, one larger ellipse with another smaller ellipse inside of it, and then the smaller ellipse is punched out of the larger one creating a hole. Rather than talking about it though, let's try it right now with the two squares that we have here. Now, I want you to just make a quick mental note of their fill because that's going to change when we make the compound path. And we can do that either by using the shortcut command eight or control eight or going into the objects menu choosing compound path and make. You can see that when we've done that, we do have the hole from where the two were intersecting and the background color or the color of the object in the background to be more accurate is the one that's been passed to the compound path. Now that…
