From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Clipping masks

Clipping masks

- [Instructor] A clipping mask is a shape that is used to mask other artwork. So it's a vector shape in which other artwork is contained to form a clipping group. Let's get an idea of how that works. So we've got this texture here, which we're going to use over the beak. And we have a replica of the entire shape of the top of the beak just here. Let's drag this texture on top. Make sure you do it that way, by the way, and not the other way around just for the moment. And then let's send this to the back because the shape that is going to form the clipping mask needs to be on top. So I'm going to right click here and choose arrange, send to back. Of course, if you wanted to do that via the menu, it's inside of the object menu. Now select both things, and you can either use the shortcut Cmd + 7 or Ctrl + 7 on Windows. Or go to the object menu, and go down to clipping mask and choose Make. And there you are, our artwork is…
