From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Changing the stack order

Changing the stack order

- We're going to start out in this exercise by doing some alignment to a few of the objects that we have inside of this file. So first of all, I want you to select the city scape shape, just a bunch of rectangles, really, joined together here, and align it to the center and bottom of the shape beneath. Now, hopefully, you could do that without even moving the shape beneath if you watched a couple of movies ago and you would know how to do that. But I mean even if you aligned it this way, you'd still be in a good situation for now. But of course, the problem is now we can't see the city. Where has it gone? Well, it's obvious. It's gone behind the rectangle. By the way, if we just undo that a couple of steps to here, the answer was to actually click on the rectangle to make it a key object, okay? That would force the city scape shape to align to that object, just so you know. But anyway, back with the main point of this…
