From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Packaging Illustrator files

Packaging Illustrator files

- Packaging a file is collecting everything inside of the file together in one location. And there are two reasons why you might do that. One, you might need to archive the file so that at some point you can open it in the future and everything it needs will be there. And the other one is to hand it off to someone like a printer or a publisher who needs the full file with all of the assets. And they, of course, need to be able to use any dependent assets as well. Now I have a couple of dependent assets in this cover here. There's an image for the front cover there and there's this image that goes on the back cover. So I need all of those things to be in the same place. To package your file, you go to the File menu and come down to the "package" option. You'll be faced with this dialogue that asks you where you want to save this to. It will generate a folder for you so you can rename that if that has any meaning to you…
