From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Aligning points

Aligning points

- [Instructor] In addition to being able to align and distribute objects, we can also work with the points that make up objects. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to, first of all, pick up the Lasso tool. Okay, so Q is the key on the keyboard that you need for that. And this allows us to select ranges of points like so. Let's select the three points on the top of this shape and let's also call in the Align panel, if it's not visible already, so that we can work with that. And here we'll choose Align Center. And all that does is move all three points to the average middle of their previous positions. Let's just undo that from there. If we Align Top or Bottom, then exactly the same is true. Just undo, Command+Z or Control+Z, between each operation because there's no specific order. But what about if you do want a particular order, if you want the points to align to a particular place? Well, you need to select them in the…
