From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Aligning objects

Aligning objects

- [Speaker] Let's take a look at our alignment and distribution options inside of Illustrator. I'm going to go ahead and select the darkest of these barrels, and then I'm going to actually open up the align panel from the window menu. We can access the align panel from the properties panel in its short form and the ellipsis will reveal the rest, and we can also access it from the control strip. But just for this movie, I think it would be handy to have that hovering around like so. So when you have a single object selected, the alignment automatically defaults to the art board, to the document itself. So if we go ahead and choose align center you can see that it moves to the center of the document. If we do that vertically, then of course the same is true on that axis. Let's go ahead and select all of the barrels. Now, just to make that easier for you and to remind you that you can do it, I've actually added that as a…
