From the course: HTML, CSS, and Generative AI: Speed Up Your Process

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Color schemes and typography

Color schemes and typography

- [Instructor] Coming up with good color schemes and font pairings can be tough, especially if you're not a designer. So let's see if we can use AI to help us. Again, as a reminder, I am using ChatgGPT 4 and I will be using this chat for all of the prompts so that we can maintain a specific context as we continue to build upon our CSS. Now, for our bookstore, I'd like some classic colors and fonts. So here is the prompts that I came up with. I'm launching a new website for a bookstore and would like to brainstorm some color schemes and font combinations. Can you help me with that? Notice, I'm not really asking it to do anything right now, I'm just asking if it could help me. Now, sometimes when I've run this, it will ask me for more context, who's my target audience and what do I like? But it looks like it's jumping right to some suggestions here. It says, a good color scheme and font choice can significantly influence the overall appeal. And then it's giving me some color schemes…
