From the course: How to Support Colleagues from Underrepresented Groups

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The different types of support

The different types of support

- When I mention support, what immediately comes to mind? Is it emotional? Financial? Maybe even something physical. Well, whatever you think of, you're right. Because there isn't one single way to define support, especially when we're considering the ways we can support people who need us in their corner. There's endless ways to do that. And, oh, by the way, your support and generosity doesn't have to be grand, sweeping gestures. They can be impossibly small and still have a huge effect on the person that you're seeking to support. You've probably had the experience I've had where you feel like you don't even have anything to give. Well, I'm here to change you mind about that. You have so much more than you realize. What you have to give doesn't have to look the same way as you see it on TV or LinkedIn or anywhere else. The most powerful way that you can give support is to do just that, to give. Generosity doesn't have to…
