From the course: How to Support Colleagues from Underrepresented Groups

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Messing up is inevitable

Messing up is inevitable

- What I'm about to say is going to be very hard for all of you high-achieving, recovered perfectionists out there. I know, because it was really hard for me to hear and that's this, if you're actively engaging in allyship you're going to get it wrong, you're going to mess it up. But the only way to support your colleagues from marginalized communities is by being willing to not be perfect. Not being perfect is part of the process. It's how you go from well-meaning to actually supportive. It will benefit you to learn from other people's mistakes. The mistakes that well-meaning allies make is likely endless, but as we talk about educating yourself and supporting others, let's get a few things straight. You are not a knight in shining armor because you support someone who is unsupported by the structures around us. You do not know a better solution than they do. You do not need to be educated by someone from an underrepresented…
