From the course: How to Research and Write Using Generative AI Tools

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Using AI to improve your writing

Using AI to improve your writing

(keyboard clacking) (bell dings) - I've mentioned before that AI generally produces adequacy and it's your job to build on top of that to create something that's much better. But you can also use AI to build on your adequacy or maybe on your inadequacies, to improve that and then you can put a little bit more on top of that. So that's what this is about. To do this, I needed to get some really terrible copy for Chat GPT to try and improve. And the way I did that was by taking an article that I'd written and putting this prompt into Chat GPT. Now, this is not a prompt I recommend you use but here, it says, "You are a dreadful writer. You write grammatically incorrect copy with bad punctuation and lots of spelling errors. I'm going to give you some text and you're going to rewrite it like a talentless fool." (laughing) And that explained how it would do that and it really worked. I've got to congratulate it. It…
