From the course: How to Own a Room

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Storytelling: Your secret power

Storytelling: Your secret power

From the course: How to Own a Room

Storytelling: Your secret power

- When I was a little girl my very favorite bedtime story was The Velveteen Rabbit. I loved this story because it resonated with my attachment to my own toys and helped me feel safe and loved. What captivated us as young people is often the same mechanism that captivates us as adults. Tapping into other's imaginations with storylines is a powerful communication tool. By utilizing storytelling as a practical and enjoyable way to connect, you can own any room you're in with any audience size. So to be a captive storyteller you don't need a Game of Thrones length soliloquy, but you do need to be prepared to speak through a structured narrative that flows and makes logical sense. Your story should provide some vivid color with a time setting, a place, main character, conflict and resolution. There are actually two quick go-to story structures you can practice and be prepared to use in almost any situation. The best part…
